Ireo Developers

Let us help you grow your business through the web

IREO Pvt Ltd is iconic developer in Indian real estate. It's well known for its residential & commercial projects delivered throughout country at reasonable cost.

Achieved a Click Through Rate of 8.27% generating a number of new sales
In the first month of activity the Cost Per Action was reduced by 30%
Return on Investment of 230%
Social shares by network


Design , development and maintenance of corporate website and all project websites for Ireo with digital promotion.


Stage 1 - Website presence

Developing Multiple Website - We have built a variety of micro websites with all their properties with strong imaginative content, contact forms and Google Maps. It looked very professional and set these properties well ahead of others.

Testimonials - The real estate firm needed to ensure that prospective buyers could see their conventional values and the emphasis they focused on face-to-face support, so that they gathered the testimonials from their most buyers, then the programmers inserted them in the sidebar of the website.

Stage 2 - Driving traffic to the website

Implemented various Digital Marketing approach with SEM and search engine optimization strategy to make their websites appear high in the organic search results. Worked on landing pages for whitepapers on tips on purchasing properties and statistics on the real estate market to catch the specifics of the lead and position themselves as experts.


We’ve achieved a Click Through Rate (CTR) of 8.27%, which generated a number of new sales. In the campaign’s inaugural month of activity the Cost Per Action (CPA) was reduced by 30%, surpassing the client’s target. February 2016 saw post-click revenue – (generated by both dynamic retargeting and the prospecting campaign) – produce a Return on Investment (ROI) of 230%.

8.27% CTR

30% less CPA

230% ROI

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